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Productivity Dispersion across Districts in Punjab
Maryiam Haroon
Published:July - Dec 2019
Industrial clusters and special economic zones are key areas of focus for
industrial policy makers who are aiming to expand the industrial base and increase
competitiveness. Thus, the role of development of industrial clusters in the
productivity improvement of manufacturing firms merits attention. We use the firmlevel Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) and Directory of Industries (DOI)
datasets to empirically investigate the relationship between agglomeration and firm
level total factor productivity for different sectors in Punjab, Pakistan. Our findings
suggest that there is a correlation between localization, urbanization and total factor
productivity of firms in the Punjab. However, the relationship varies by sectors,
necessarily pointing industrial policy towards sector-specific recommendations.
Total factor productivity,
industrial concentration,
economic geography.
Does Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Hold After All?
Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
Published:July - Dec 2019
This paper tests Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIP) using LIBOR rates for six major international currencies for the period January 2001 to December 2008. We find that UIP generally holds over a short-term (above 5-months) horizon for individual as well as groups of currencies. Our results suggest that it is important to consider the cross-correlation between currencies. We also find that “state dependence” plays an important role for currencies with a negative interest rate differential vis-à-vis the US dollar. This state dependence could also be instrumental in explaining exchange rate overshooting.
system SUR,
system DGLS,
system DOLS.
Identifying and Understanding High Growth Firms in the Pakistani Textile and Apparel Sectors
Waqar Wadho and Azam Chaudhry
Published:July - Dec 2019
In this article, we investigate the distinguishing features of fast growing firms in the Pakistani textile and apparel sectors. We find that the distribution of firm growth- both in terms of employment and sales - is very heavily skewed toward the right-tail, confirming earlier findings that firm growth is generated by a very small number of firms. We found that small and young companies grow faster and generate higher employment. We also used various indicators of a firm’s innovation behavior and found that more innovative firms grow faster. Our results suggest that it is not the possession of individual attributes, but rather a combination of particular firm attributes that defines fast growing firms. Specifically, we found that the blend of being small, young and innovative explains the fast growth in firms. on overall these companies also create more jobs.
Firm growth,
employment creation,
young innovative companies,
Surplus Education and Earnings Differentials in Pakistan: A Quantile Regression Analysis
Maqbool H. Sial, Ghulam Sarwar and Mubashra Saeed
Published:July - Dec 2019
This study empirically investigates the effect of surplus education on the earnings distribution in Pakistan using quantile regression. The method of realized matches is used to measure the required level of education in each occupation from the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) 2013-14 survey data. There is heterogeneity in returns to surplus education among overeducated workers. These returns are higher for workers at the upper half as compared to the lower half of the earnings distribution. Surplus education earns positive returns but less than the returns associated with the level of education required for jobs. Further, the difference in returns among the overeducated is higher than the difference in returns among workers who have the required education for the job. The findings imply that the surplus education factor is significant in explaining how education contributes in earnings differentials and inequality.
Surplus education,
earning inequality,
labor markets,
Sources of Market Power among Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do Institutions Matter in Competitive Policies?
Musa Abdu and Adamu Jibir
Published:July - Dec 2019
In the context of a high prevalence of both poverty among households and
business failures among firms in the majority of Sub-Saharan African (SSA)
countries, competition is seen as one of the viable tools for transforming and
improving these economies. This can be achieved by boosting productivity,
improving output markets, increasing innovation and promoting economic growth.
This study examines the sources of market power among firms within a variety of
institutional settings using a large sample of data from 23 SSA countries. Tobit
panel models comprising both fixed and random effects are used to estimate the
determinants of market power. The study reveals that a large number of firms control
less than 5 percent of the market with a few firms controlling between 5 and 34
percent of the market. At the same time, there are a small number of firms controlling
between 30 and 100 percent of the markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings
further show that economic and political institutions significantly matter in the
determination of power among firms in SSA. However, the influence of institutions
varies significantly depending on the type of institutions and regional differences.
market power.
Increasing Exports through Tariff Reductions on Intermediate Goods
Nida Jamil and Rabia Arif
Published:Jan - June 2019
To counter the severe trade deficit problem that Pakistan faces, we explain
how to move up the value chain of exports by reducing tariff rates on the intermediate
inputs used by local manufacturers. The availability of cheaper intermediate inputs
through tariff reductions can substantially reduce input constraints. We begin by
identifying trends in the tariff rates imposed on intermediate inputs, and their imports
over time by Pakistan and its counterparts. Using an instrumental variable approach,
we measure the gains that can be achieved by importing more of these intermediate
inputs in terms of export performance indicators. We emphasize that input tariff
reductions could help Pakistan expand exports. We also identify specific sectors in
which intermediate input tariff reductions could have significant gains for Pakistan in
terms of export growth. We recommend the need to reduce intermediate input tariffs
in these sectors only, rather than general tariff reductions across all sectors.
What Drives Inflation-Output Tradeoff Dynamics in Pakistan? An Assessment of International Linkages and Global Trends
Muhammad Ayyoub and Julia Wörz
Published:Jan - June 2019
This article illustrates the dynamics of and tradeoff between inflation and
output in Pakistan by utilizing data on 18 major trading partners in a cointegration
analysis. In doing so, we use key features of the global vector autoregressive approach
to construct a model that captures foreign-specific variables related to Pakistan; these
are analyzed empirically along with domestic data for the period 1972–2014. Our
findings show that, after accounting for the impact of increasing interdependencies,
trade spillovers and changing global macroeconomic conditions, a long-run
equilibrium relationship exists between domestic inflation and output. The foreign
variables have a significant impact on the key domestic variables. In particular,
domestic inflation and trade openness, foreign inflation and world oil prices have
significant explanatory power for Pakistani output. Policymakers in Pakistan should
therefore account for global developments, specifically in trading partner economies
cross-country spillovers,
inflation-output dynamics,
oil prices.
The Aid, Macroeconomic Policy Environment and Growth Nexus: Evidence from Selected Asian Countries
Saima Liaqat, Hafiz Khalil Ahmad, Temesgen Kifle and Mohammad Alauddin
Published:Jan - June 2019
This study empirically investigates the aid effectiveness debate in light of
the Burnside-Dollar (2000) hypothesis that the recipient country’s policy
environment is critical for aid effectiveness. Based on data from ten Asian
countries for 1984–2015 and in line with Burnside and Dollar (2000), we
construct a new composite policy index. Employing two-stage least squares to
estimate the model, we find that aid had a negative impact on economic growth
during the study period for these countries, thus refuting the Burnside-Dollar aid
effectiveness hypothesis.
foreign aid,
macroeconomic policy,
economic growth,
Burnside-Dollar hypothesis,
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Regulation: A Review
Ayesha Afzal and Aiman Asif
Published:Jan - June 2019
The evolution of money has accompanied the development of civilizations and technological innovations, leading to today’s cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies have become a popular mode of payment globally because of their low cost, high-speed transferability and a decentralized tracking network that provides secure transactions and a high degree of anonymity. However, the decentralized system of cryptocurrencies has made global monetary systems more dynamic and therefore more prone to misuse as well as posing a threat to financial stability. Cryptocurrencies are also gaining popularity in Pakistan: its first cryptocurrency, named ‘Pakcoin’, was launched in 2015. The State Bank of Pakistan does not recognize any digital currency, and the Federal Board of Revenue and Federal Investigation Agency have taken legal action against local and internationally traded cryptocurrencies. This article reviews these risks and provides various regulatory solutions so that methods can be developed to improve the management of financial innovations and create a safer environment in which financial innovation can continue. Furthermore, developing countries such as Pakistan can take advantage of distributed ledger technology (used in cryptocurrencies) in applications including: microfinance to help the unbanked, in data identification systems and in land registries to help enforce property rights.
The Determinants of Firm Survival among Small Cluster Firms
Sana Ullah, Babur Wasim Arif and Muhammad Tariq Majeed
Published:Jan - June 2019
This study analyzes the impact of education, experience, and social capital on firm survival using two waves of a survey conducted in 2008 and 2017 for the electrical fittings cluster based in Sargodha, Pakistan. Estimating a probit model, we find that the entrepreneur’s education, experience, and social network are each positively correlated with firm survival. The interactions of education with both production and marketing experience are also significantly and positively related to firm survival while interactions of social capital with experience are not. Therefore, for the firms in this sector, education plays an important role directly as well as through production and marketing experience.
social capital,
firm survival,