Lahore Journal of Economics Call for Papers

The Lahore Journal of Economics invites academics and practitioners to submit manuscripts for consideration in this scholarly journal.


The Lahore Journal of Economics (LJE) is a biannual, peer-reviewed open-access academic journal. The LJE publishes original scholarship across the social sciences on issues that are critical to development particularly in South Asia but also across the Global South. The LJE welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives.

The LJE, now in its 25th year, has been one of the main outlets for high quality and policy-relevant economic and business research in Pakistan. The LJE has recently been restructured, and a new editorial board is seeking to broaden the scope geographically to all of South Asia and subject-wise into the social sciences, in order to become a multi-disciplinary journal with a wider readership.

The journal is currently seeking submissions in the following areas:

Economics, Education, Public Health & Health Policy, Business & Finance, Anthropology & Sociology, Development Studies, Demography, Geography & Environment, and Political Science & Political Economy.

Why the LJE?

The LJE is recognized as one of the leading social science journals in Pakistan. It is listed in the Library of Congress, the British Library, Journal of Economic Literature, EBSCO, and Proquest databases, and is consistently ranked by the prestigious Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC).

Articles published by the LJE have been cited in prestigious journals, such as: World Development, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of Development Studies, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, BMC Public Health, Economic Modelling, Energy Economics, Water Policy, Environment Development and Sustainability, and the International Journal of Educational Development, among others.

Submissions Process:

All articles submitted to the LJE go through an initial desk review by the journal’s editors. Should an article pass this initial process, it subsequently will be subject to a double-blind review. This encompasses reviews from local and international scholars.

Please be aware that there are no submission or publication fees for the LJE.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts, to be no more than 8,000 to 10,000 words in length, through LJE’s ScholarOne portal, which can be found here:

For LJE’s policies and stances concerning ethics and responsibilities on the part of the editors and authors, please see the journal’s Statement of Ethics and Responsibilities: