Submission Guidelines

All articles submitted to the LJE go through an initial desk review by the journal’s editors.

Should an article pass this initial process, it subsequently will be subject to a double-blind review. This encompasses reviews from local and international scholars.

Please be aware that there are no submission or publication fees for the LJE.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts, to be no more than 8,000 to 10,000 words in length, through LJE’s ScholarOne portal, which can be found here:

For LJE’s policies and stances concerning ethics and responsibilities on the part of the editors and authors, please see our plagiarism policy below, as well as the journal’s Statement of Ethics and Responsibilities:

LJE’s Plagiarism Policy

The Lahore Journal of Economics and the Lahore School of Economics take plagiarism very seriously. In submitting manuscripts for publication, authors are attesting and confirming their awareness of the following:

  • Any works, words, ideas from other sources have been properly and accurately cited and/or quoted. This includes self-citing work by the author(s) that has been published elsewhere prior to their current submission, without transparency on the part of said author(s).
  • All manuscripts will be reviewed by LJE personnel upon submission. This will be followed up by a subsequent examination via plagiarism detection software.
  • Should plagiarism be detected, this will be grounds for immediate rejection of submitted manuscripts.