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An Analysis of the Relationship between Inflation and Gold Prices: Evidence from Pakistan
Saira Tufail and Sadia Batool
Published:July - Dec 2013
In this study, we formulate a new inflation equation to capture the potential effects of gold and stock prices on inflation in Pakistan. We aim to assess the inflation-hedging properties of gold compared to other assets such as real estate, stock exchange securities, and foreign currency holdings. Applying time-series econometric techniques (cointegration and vector error correction models) to data for 1960–2010, we find that gold is a potential determinant of inflation in Pakistan. On the other hand, it also provides a complete hedge against unexpected inflation. Real estate assets are more than a complete hedge against expected inflation, although stock exchange securities outperform gold and real estate as a hedge against unexpected inflation. Foreign currency proves to be an insignificant hedge against inflation. Given the dual nature of the relationship between gold and inflation, it is increasingly important for the government to monitor and regulate the gold market in Pakistan. Moreover, stock market investment should be encouraged by the government given that asset price inflation does not pose a critical problem for Pakistan as yet.
Gold prices,
inflation hedging,
time series econometrics technique,
Choice of Anchor Currencies and Dynamic Preferences for Exchange Rate Pegging in Asia
Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi, Bushra Naqvi and Nawazish Mirza
Published:July - Dec 2013
This paper attempts to answer two important questions in the context of Asian exchange rate regimes with respect to the choice of anchor currencies and dynamic preferences for exchange rate pegging. According to our results, the US dollar is the first choice of a de facto peg for many countries such as China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Pakistan. Other countries, apart from Korea and Indonesia, seem to prefer a basket peg comprising two or more anchor currencies with rapidly increasing weight attached to the euro. This shift from the US dollar to the euro reflects changes in the choices, preferences, and policies of these economies as a result of varying macroeconomic and global financial realities.
Exchange rate regime,
Economic Returns to Education in France: OLS and Instrumental Variable Estimations
Sajjad Haider Bhatti, Jean Bourdon, and Muhammad Aslam
Published:July - Dec 2013
This article estimates the economic returns to schooling as well as analyzing other explanatory factors for the French labor market. It addresses the issue of endogeneity bias and proposes two new instruments for use in the instrumental variable two-stage least squares technique. Our results show that the proposed instruments are relevant and adequate, based on evidence from the available literature. After using the proposed instruments, we find that the OLS coefficients for schooling are biased downwards. Finally, we choose between the two proposed instruments.
Endogeneity bias,
instrumental variable,
Mincerian model,
two-stage least squares,
wage regression,
On the (Ir)Relevance of Monetary Aggregate Targeting in Pakistan: An Eclectic View
Adnan Haider, Asad Jan, and Kalim Hyder
Published:July - Dec 2013
This study attempts to identify a stable money demand function for Pakistan’s economy, where the monetary aggregate is considered the nominal anchor. With evolving financial innovations and regulations, the stability of money demand has been the focus of numerous debates. Where earlier studies have provided conflicting explanations due to inadequate specifications and imprecise estimations, we find that money demand in Pakistan is stable, if specified properly. For developing countries such as Pakistan, it is important to target monetary aggregates or respond to deviations from the desirable path if monetary policy is to be effectively implemented and communicated; this should remain, if not a primary, then an auxiliary target in the monetary policy framework.
money demand,
Forward-Looking and Backward-Looking Taylor Rules: Evidence from Pakistan
Nadia Tahir
Published:July - Dec 2013
This study uses the forward-looking rule and backward-looking Taylor rule to investigate the conduct of monetary policy in Pakistan during 1971–2011. We compare the pre- and post-reform periods, and find that the estimates obtained using the generalized method of moments indicate that no interest rate rule was being followed. This explains the inability of monetary policy to control inflation and minimize the output gap. Although monetary policy was not very active in the pre- and post-reform periods, the post-reform quarterly data show some interest rate inertia and smoothing. Monetary policy was less accommodating of the cyclical nature of the output gap. We conclude that the behavior of the State Bank of Pakistan was not very different under forward- or backward-looking rules.
Taylor rule,
forward-looking behavior,
backward-looking policy,
monetary policy,
generalized method of moments.
Estimating Firms’ Vulnerability to Short-Term Financing Shocks: The Case of Foreign Exchange Companies in Pakistan
Ijaz Hussain
Published:July - Dec 2013
Using firm-level balance sheet data for 20 of the 24 exchange companies in Pakistan for the period 2006–11, we explore the sources of firms’ vulnerability to short-term financing shocks. Based on the probability estimates of a maximum likelihood binary probit model, this paper shows that the incidence and degree of vulnerability of foreign exchange companies to short-term financing shocks has risen significantly over time. If not managed opportunely, these shocks can cumulate into long-term financing shocks and even lead to corporate failure in the long run. Our regression results show that the corporate managers of these companies cannot ignore macroeconomic factors such as global changes and the macroeconomic environment (inflation and GDP growth) in addition to firm-specific factors (growth opportunities, firm size, permanent earnings, earnings volatility, and working capital management) when managing their firms’ vulnerability to short-term financing shocks.
Foreign exchange companies,
financing shocks,
Balancing Market and Government Failure in Service Delivery
Jeffrey S. Hammer
Published:Sept 2013
Whether to provide services by the public or the private sector has been at the
center of debates within governments and those in the international aid industry for
decades. Unfortunately, this debate has often been cast in terms of absolutes with the
private sector either as savior or demon. Casting the issue in this light simply can’t
be correct. It cannot be the case that either is appropriate for every service and with
every government regardless of its capability to the exclusion of the other. In every
case, policy makers need to ask “how can the government improve the well-being of
citizens with the constraints and tools at hand?” Those constraints include the
ability to implement and monitor policy.
This paper outlines how limitations of the market can be matched to
appropriate interventions by government as it actually performs, not as it is hoped to
perform. This matching will, by necessity, vary with country circumstance. While
pure public goods must be provided by government regardless of its weaknesses and
pure private goods should generally be left to the market, most serious policies
operate in between. The balance of the limitations of the sectors needs careful
analysis. The welfare costs of private market failure are rarely measured and the
difficulties of implementing different policies are rarely discussed let alone quantified.
Policies that are sensitive to deviations from perfect implementation should be
avoided in preference to those that are more robust to circumstances. Further, every
policy will generate interest groups that will constrain future decisions through
political pressure.
Social services delivery,
health delivery,
Education in Pakistan’s Punjab: Outcomes and Interventions
Masooma Habib
Published:Sept 2013
One of the most critical challenges Pakistan faces today is the need to
improve and expand its education system. With important political and
demographic changes taking place, greater devolution and strengthened
democracy, this is an opportune moment to build a better system. Not only does the
purpose of education have to be defined beyond what has been left over from
colonial administrative objectives, but a much greater effort has to be invested in
developing the skills and talents of the majority of the population.
Punjab, Pakistan's largest province, has taken several education reform
initiatives to improve education outcomes. However about a quarter of school age
children are still not attending school either because they never enrolled or because
they dropped out early. Low transition rates to secondary education are of special
concern. Moreover, recent assessments have shown that students' knowledge and
comprehension of basic subjects remains alarmingly low. Improved learning in
schools is therefore another important challenge. Patterns in learning achievement
in Punjab indicate the importance of school level factors, implying that a good
school could make up for other regional and socio-economic disparities. Better
quality schools also attract more students from the poorest families, because when
parents expect better returns from education, the time and resources spent on
schooling becomes worthwhile. This paper will review the extent to which critical
gaps in achievement levels and other educational outcomes have been addressed by
past policies and current reform programs.
The Public School System in Sindh: Empirical Insights
Salman Asim
Published:Sept 2013
This paper presents descriptive statistics on the government school
education system in Sindh. The data are obtained from the latest administrative
annual school census in Sindh (2011/12). The province’s schooling system comprises
48,932 schools of which 47,000 are primary, middle, and elementary schools, giving
Sindh one of the densest public schooling systems in the world with almost 1.8
schools for every 1,000 people in rural Sindh. The functional schooling capacity,
however, is low, with less than 15 percent of these schools having at least two
teachers and access to basic facilities such as toilets, drinking water, electricity, and
boundary walls. Against this backdrop, we examine key trends in education
outcomes using the Pakistan Living Standards and Measurement surveys for
2004/05 and 2010/11. We find that the net enrollment rates (NERs) at primary,
middle, and secondary level in Sindh stagnated, at best, during 2007–11 after a
sharp increase registered in 2006; this trend is similar to that of the rest of Pakistan.
Gains in NER vary significantly across districts with some performing exceptionally
better than others. Finally, we cross-validate these statistics using independent
household- and school-level census data on 300 communities, collected as part of an
ongoing impact evaluation study in three districts of rural Sindh.
Patronage model,
administrative data,
net enrollment rate,
student achievement,
public education,
Struggling against the Odds of Poverty, Access, and Gender: Secondary Schooling for Girls in Pakistan
Zeba A. Sathar, Asif Wazir, and Maqsood Sadiq
Published:Sept 2013
While schooling outcomes for girls have improved over the period 2001–11,
progress has been uneven within Pakistan. Rural girls lag far behind urban girls
and progress across the provinces remains unequal. The transition to secondary
school—in some ways more critical for improving employability, reproductive
health, and other outcomes—shows even more disparate progress by province and
income class. Questions about the preference for public versus private schools and
the actual choice of schools available to girls in most rural areas need to be answered
if we are serious about a rapid escalation of secondary school enrollments for girls.
We use data from the Pakistan Integrated Household Survey for 2001/02
and the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLMS) for
2007/08 and 2010/11 to look at patterns in this transition. Access is likely to be the
main driving force behind the transition to secondary-level schooling. Initial findings
reflect the almost total reliance on public schools for 10–14-year-old girls. This
suggests that private secondary schools are not an option for girls in rural areas. The
next major intervening factor is household income level: even rich families appear to
favor public schools for girls. The data also suggest that girls from poor and large
families compete with their brothers and other siblings for limited resources.
Importantly, secondary school is only an option on completing primary
school and the choices are greater at the primary school level. We study the choice
of secondary school as conditioned on factors driving primary school completion.
Regional patterns reflect the expansion of private schools in Punjab and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (KP), less so in Sindh and Balochistan.
urban-rural gap,